ports betting and digital gaming operator BetMGM announced on Tuesday a partnership with flexible payment options provider TAPPP to make BetMGM gift cards available at major convenience and grocery retail chains in select U.S. states offering legal sports betting.

BetMGM gift cards are now available in $25 and $50 denominations in eight states at over 6,000 locations across the U.S.

Maria Tomlinson, Head of Payments at BetMGM, said: “One of the biggest pieces of feedback we get from our customers is that they want a simple and convenient way to fund their accounts. Just in time for the start of football season, we’re thrilled to introduce an option for players to quickly and securely fund their BetMGM accounts, while avoiding deposit failures.”

Sandy Agarwal, TAPPP’s Founder and CEO, commented: “BetMGM is synonymous with sports betting and will now be ubiquitous in some of the largest retailers across the U.S. They are the perfect partner in our journey to make sports betting and iGaming more accessible. Expanding the available funding options for sports bettors along with providing the ability to share in the BetMGM experience through gifting perfectly aligns with TAPPP’s mission, to create more access and engagement for fans.”

Original article: https://www.yogonet.com/international//noticias/2021/09/07/59173-betmgm-rolls-out-retail-gift-cards-across-us-sports-betting-markets


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