The International Center for Gaming Regulation (ICGR) at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) has confirmed J. Brin Gibson, Chair & Executive Director of the Nevada Gaming Control Board as the first keynote speaker for the Gaming Regulation International Policy Summit (GRIPS) – North America, which will take place from September 11-16, 2022, in Las Vegas.

Gibson’s presentation will be held on September 12, under the title “Why Regulate Gaming?”, and will kickstart the weeklong GRIPS program. He is joining other three keynote speakers: Becky Harris, former Chair of the Nevada Gaming Control Board; David Schwartz, Ph.D and UNLV Ombuds; and Joe Bertolone, industry leader and former regulator with 20+ years experience in gaming.

GRIPS will see the participation of 16 gaming experts, regulators, professionals, or thought leaders that will present on diverse topics throughout the seminar, which is focused on current gaming regulatory policy, methodology and practical implementation. It is intended to offer gaming, casino, and sports wagering professionals an in-depth opportunity to learn the latest regulatory and operational best practices from industry experts and thought leaders.

The week-long seminar includes 25 instructional hours, 8 hours of tours and Q&As with casino operators and manufacturers, 6 hours of networking with peers, industry leaders, regulators, and more.

“GRIPS is an event unlike any other in our industry,” said Craig Ferreira, Interim Executive Director of the ICGR. “This five-day experience will give attendees first-person access to some of the leading voices in the industry, an opportunity to network with one another, hands-on training on casino floors and a manufacturing plant, and other high-value experiences. In a single week, we will take on the curriculum and teachings of an entire year’s worth of programming. It’s a can’t-miss event for gaming companies and professionals eager to expand their awareness of our industry.”

This weeklong intensive conference is the second in a global series for the ICGR, which hosted GRIPS – Australia/New Zealand in March 2022 under the name Regulating the Game, which was developed in partnership with Sydney-based Senet. Registration is available online.

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