Live casino software and services provider CreedRoomz has announced its participation at the Peru Gaming Show, which is set to take place on June 13-15 at the Jockey Exhibition Centre in Lima. The event is expected to bring together industry professionals to explore latest gaming innovations, network and discover cutting-edge technologies.

CreedRoomz will be present at Stand N57, where it will inform attendees more about its comprehensive suite of gaming solutions and explore new business opportunities.

CreedRoomz notes that it is set to showcase its portfolio of over 20 in-house developed live casino games, along with the tables broadcast in Spanish, “all designed to cater to the needs of the diverse gaming community.”
Expanding the scope of its operation, CreedRoomz aims to enter the LatAm market with its live casino solutions and innovative robot dealerRoba, which performs the function of a real-life croupier, “creating immersive gaming opportunities for the local industry.”

In addition to featuring a gaming floor packed with new technologies and products, PGS 2023 will also feature a series of 14 conferences, with special emphasis on the welcoming speech of the director of Casino Games and Slot Machines of the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), Eduardo Sevilla.

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