Danville, Illinois witnessed the grand opening ceremony of the Golden Nugget Danville Casino on Friday. City officials, state representatives, and casino authorities gathered under the Golden Nugget sign to mark the occasion with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The casino boasts nearly 500 slot machines and a variety of table games, including Baccarat, Blackjack, 3-Card Poker, Craps, Mississippi Stud, Roulette, and Ultimate Texas Hold ‘Em. The property has been operating under a soft phase since earlier this year, with Friday marking the casino is now fully open for business.

Jimmy Wilmot, President of Danville Development, the owner of the casino, took the opportunity to recount the journey that led to this milestone. Wilmot shared that the initial discussions about the casino’s establishment took place in late December 2019, eventually leading to the partnership that brought the casino to life.

“We jumped into the weeds in December, January and February (2019) and we started putting together a design team, people who could run the analytics for us, and tell us what the market’s going to do,” Wilmot explained. He emphasized the meticulous planning and collaboration that went into bringing the casino to fruition.

The road to the grand opening involved working closely with city officials, making necessary adjustments, and securing partnerships. Wilmot expressed gratitude for the support they received from various stakeholders. “We were lucky enough in August of 2020 to become the selected developer of the city of Danville,” he noted, as per Commercial-News.

The collaboration with renowned brands like Landry’s, Golden Nugget, and Saltgrass Steak House added further momentum to the project. The journey culminated in the filing of an application with the Illinois Gaming Board in November 2020, marking a significant step towards making the casino a reality.

The casino’s financial backing was secured from KeyBank, and construction was overseen by Wilhelm Construction of Indianapolis. Overcoming challenges along the way, the team successfully navigated the construction process. A soft opening took place earlier this year on May 27, followed now by the grand opening ceremony on Friday.

Today is exciting, we are running our first promos, so floor wide you can win. You don’t have to just win a jackpot. You can win other prizes. We didn’t have legal ability to do that until today. So, it’s a big step for this casino,” Wilmot remarked.

Danville Mayor Rickey Williams also commended the collaborative efforts that led to the casino’s establishment. He praised the economic impact, job opportunities, and community benefits that the casino brings to the region. “Let the good times roll,” Mayor Williams exclaimed at the opening.

Danville Mayor Rickey Williams

In one of the biggest moments of Friday’s celebration, a $1 million check was presented to the Boys and Girls Club. “The Boys and Girls Club does such good work here in Danville that we wanted to be a part of that mission,” James Lamond of Danville Development said.

The Illinois Gaming Board granted the casino a temporary operating permit, allowing it to open its doors to the public while awaiting the approval of its permanent license. The grand opening marked the transition from the soft opening phase to full-fledged operations.

Original article: https://www.yogonet.com/international/noticias/2023/08/07/68212-illinois-golden-nugget-danville-casino-celebrates-grand-opening-ceremony


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