PayBrokers, a company specializing in payment solutions with a presence in the sports betting, lotteries, and iGaming sectors, reported that it has invested heavily in sponsoring and supporting different championships and cultural events.

In the area of culture, the group has invested in concerts by popular artists such as Gustavo Lima, the Henrique and Juliano duo, the Sorriso Maroto group, and the Coolritiba festival.

In sports, PayBrokers supports Stock Car driver Zezinho Muggiati. In addition, it is an official sponsor of the Brazilian Soccer Championship Series A and B, Copa do Brasil and Copa do Nordeste, as well as the country’s main state soccer leagues. The company is also investing in media for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers.

PayBrokers' CEO Edson Lenzi

“We have invested heavily in culture and sports in Brazil. For the group, these areas are driving forces that have a positive impact on all the sectors they serve. With this, the company reiterates its commitment to fostering growth and excellence in Brazilian sports and culture,” said Edson Lenzi, CEO of PayBrokers, according to an official statement.

The company stated that it prioritizes the creation of a safe environment for players, especially with fraud prevention measures and socially responsible practices. A growing concern is the promotion of responsible gaming, encouraging the practice as a form of entertainment, and reducing the risks associated with the activity.

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