Four companies in the online gaming sector announced their commitment to settle in the Spanish city of Ceuta. This was reported by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, based on sources from the association Bet on Ceuta.

At the end of April, the Bet on Ceuta Conference took place, attracting some of the main companies of the European online gaming sector and others who are trying to position themselves in the city. According to sources of the organization, another four companies have committed to settle in Ceuta.

Likewise, at the event, the creation of more than 800 jobs in the sector since 2019 was discussed.

In this context, the president of the Confederation of Employers of Ceuta, Arantxa Campos, highlighted that current data reflects that the expansion of technology and online gaming companies in Ceuta injects vitality into its economy, positively influencing the real estate and office rental sector.

“This demand energizes the market, potentially increasing rental prices and property values, which benefits local owners and investors,” he explained.

Additionally, he stated that the increase in employees in these sectors leads to a rise in domestic consumption, from catering services to retail, infusing energy into Ceuta’s economy”.

This increased flow of capital not only strengthens local businesses but could also improve the public coffers through taxes, enabling the administration to invest in infrastructure and services that result in a better quality of life for the people of Ceuta,” he concluded.

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