Nevada has highest percentage of low-ranking hospitals

Nevada has the highest percentage of one-star acute-care hospitals of any state, the lowest rating given by the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services. Original article:

Several products will anchor objects into concrete wall

Quikrete makes an anchoring cement that will reach a pull-out strength of more than 12,000 psi after only 24 hours. Original article:

Highly pathogenic strain of bird flu now detected in Nevada

The current strain of bird flu has been circulating throughout the nation since late 2021 and was detected for the first time in Nevada in early July....

The COVID testing company that missed 96% of cases in Nevada

State and local officials across Nevada signed agreements with Northshore Clinical Labs, a COVID testing laboratory run by men with local political connections. There was only one...

Southwest to provide record number of flights in March

A new schedule was published Thursday by Southwest Airlines that shows 243 departing flights, an all-time high at Harry Reid International Airport. Original article:

Nevada home health aides to receive $500

A new state program will provide the supplemental payments to home health care workers, who often earn less than $12 per hour. Original article:

’Alarming’ trend continues as Vegas heat deaths hit decade peak in 2021

Heat-related fatalities have jumped since 2010, increasing more than fivefold. Many were homeless, Clark County data showed and meth use contributed to deaths in 2021. Original article:...

Can an annual blood test find cancer while it’s curable?

What if one test could screen for dozens of cancers, using a single vial of blood? Innovations in genetics and computing are opening a new front in...

Where to get deals and freebies for National Nurses Week

Nurses are heroes, and that’s never been more apparent than it has over the past two years. Many companies are offering special deals, discounts and freebies for...

Secret perks airlines won’t tell you about

Airfare is skyrocketing partly because of inflation and the cost of gasoline but also because, weirdly enough, consumers aren’t putting up much of a fight. Original article:...

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