In a move to combat illegal gambling, the Macau government has finalized drafting a bill aimed at toughing up regulation. The bill proposes an explicit ban on online betting and side betting, as well as increasing penalties for illegal gambling activities.

André Cheong, Secretary for Administration and Justice, announced the measure at a press conference, highlighting that the new bill will replace the current legislation, which has been in effect since 1996.

Cheong clarified that the purpose of the legislation is to explicitly categorize side betting (or “under the table”) as unlawful and include it in the scope of illicit gambling. These bets, which were conducted by now-defunct junket operators, reduced the government’s tax revenue, noted the Secretary.

The bill also prohibits the operation, promotion, and organization of online gambling activities, regardless of the location of their IT systems.

Additionally, the bill proposes changes in police operations related to illegal gambling. Cheong noted that to combat illicit gambling activities, typically occurring at night, the police will be permitted to conduct searches in private residences between 9 PM and 7 AM without needing residents’ permission. This marks a significant change from the current Criminal Procedure Code, as police need residents’ permission to search homes during these hours.

The proposed bill also aims to increase penalties for illegal gambling activitiesLeong Weng In, Director Legal Affairs Bureau (DSAJ), noted that illegal gambling activities are currently punishable by up to three years in prison. The new proposal, however, would increase this penalty to up to eight years.

The bill will be submitted to the Legislative Assembly for debate, analysis, and voting.

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