SoftConstruct’s Fastex, a Web3-driven ecosystem, has unveiled expansion and community development initiatives in Armenia through a strategic collaboration with Yerevan State University.

The partnership aims to bolster blockchain education and foster community growth within Armenia’s burgeoning Web3 sector. Solidifying their commitment, the two entities have formalized their collaboration with a memorandum of cooperation, marking a significant milestone in integrating educational and research programs focused on blockchain and virtual assets.

As part of its community engagement initiatives, Fastex will host a series of meetups at its ftNFT Phygital Space in Yerevan. These gatherings will serve as platforms for connecting local Web3 communities, enthusiasts, and professional developers, facilitating knowledge sharing and collaborative efforts.

Key initiatives of the collaboration:

  • Educational Programs: Fastex will introduce crash courses and a Master’s program on “Blockchain and Virtual Assets,” designed to provide students with a deep understanding of the Web3 field.
  • Practical Training and Scholarships: The partnership will offer practical workshop opportunities at Fastex, and standout students will be eligible for scholarships covering up to 100% of tuition fees.
  • Infrastructure Support: Yerevan State University commits to supplying the necessary infrastructure, including equipment and facilities, to support these educational initiatives.

This initiative aims to enhance Armenia’s educational landscape in blockchain and virtual assets, contributing to the country’s technological and scientific growth,” Fastex said in a statement. 

Fastex’s collaboration with Yerevan State University reflects the company’s dedication to fostering innovation and high-quality vocational education in Armenia, the announcement added.

Earlier in the week, Fastex announced a memorandum of cooperation with the Olympionic Sports Charity Foundation. Supported by the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports with a commitment to provide technical, advisory, and media assistance, this partnership aims to foster sports development and improve living conditions for athletes in the Republic of Armenia.

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